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Early Life And Family

Andrew Parker Bowles: A Life in the Spotlight

Early Life and Family

Andrew Henry Parker Bowles was born on 27 December 1939, the eldest of four children to Derek Henry Parker Bowles of Donnington Castle House in Berkshire. His family has a long and distinguished history, with connections to the British monarchy and aristocracy.

Military Career and Marriage to Camilla Shand

Parker Bowles served as a young officer in the British Army. In 1973, he married Camilla Shand, who later became the Duchess of Cornwall and second wife to Prince Charles.

Public Scrutiny and Divorce

Parker Bowles's marriage to Camilla was subject to intense public scrutiny, particularly after her affair with Prince Charles became public. The couple divorced in 1995.

Continued Presence in British Royal Circles

Despite his divorce from Camilla, Parker Bowles has remained a prominent figure in British royal circles. He is a close friend of Prince Charles and has attended many official events with the royal family.
